Year 6
Meet the Staff
Miss Roots (Year Leader)
Class Teacher
Miss Roots (Year Leader)
Class Teacher
Mr Curry
Class Teacher
Miss Sharp
Class Teacher
Mrs Pope
Mrs Holmshaw
Teaching assistant
Mrs Hartshorn-Peers
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Des Fountain
Teaching Assistant
Year 6 subject specific vocabulary
Learn about our Curriculum Units
Recommended Reads
Our aim at Hill View Primary is to promote a love of reading for all our pupils and to encourage them to read different types of books, written by different authors. The book lists have been produced to try and encourage pupils to ‘try something new’. They are all age appropriate texts and will provide pupils with a rich variety of reading material alongside books of their own choice and interests. We are not expecting parents to buy copies of all the books. Many of the texts are available in our school library or on the classroom bookshelves. Alternatively, Bournemouth libraries will stock, or be able to get hold of texts for you. Pupils could swap books with friends or add one to their Christmas or birthday list. Books can be read independently or with parents or family members. Where children are on the reading schemes, these books are an addition to their home/school reader and Read Write Inc. text. If you are unable to find any of the books, please just choose an appropriate similar book instead. In a bid to encourage children to read as many of these books as possible, they will be awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold certificate each year as a way of recognising their reading efforts. Please click here to access our Year 6 Recommended Reads list.
In Year 6, we pride ourselves on having chosen quality and rich texts to support our integrated curriculum. All children will, from their starting points, deepen their learning and be able to apply the skills they’ve learnt in a range of contexts. Successful written outcomes will be achieved through all staff delivering a clear, creative and challenging curriculum where the reading and writing process is at the centre.
You can find more information about the text types and curriculum coverage in English here.
At Hill View we aim to plan, deliver and monitor an integrated challenging Maths approach, with the purpose of enabling children to access all areas of the curriculum and enable them to think and reason mathematically. This will ensure they become confident and fluent mathematicians who use maths as a tool to access many areas throughout their lives.
Year 6 Maths
Calculation Policy
Maths Sequence of Learning Progression
This is Maths information specific for Year 6. The Calculation Policy demonstrates how calculations are taught; the Maths Sequence of Learning shows the progression of strands across the year, what is taught when and for how long and specific learning that children will be experiencing. For further information regarding whole school Calculation Policies, Strand Progression and Sequence of Learning Progressions, please see the Maths Subject Area on our website here.
We also use Power Maths, White Rose and TT Rockstars to support our children’s mathematical development. We aim to continue to support children’s skill develop and deepen understanding through mathematical reasoning.
Key Trips and Outcomes
In Year 6 we go on a three to four day residential. This year, we are going to Fort Purbrook in Portsmouth for two nights in July as a way to celebrate the end of their Year 6 experience. From September 2022, the residential will be moved to October time so that the experience can be optimised through our creative curriculum. This is a wonderful opportunity for the Year 6 children to undertake activities that they may not usually have access where they can demonstrate collaborative, thinking and independent skills.
Other trips can include; visiting Bournemouth Mosque, visiting The Royal Signals’s Museum, Sports Event at Bournemouth University and Sports Festivals at Redhill Park as part of our PE lessons.
We have outcomes for each of our projects. However, parents are invited to attend our history convention at the end of our How Civilised Project in the Spring Term and to share the outcome of our WW2 in the Summer Term. Further information will be provided.
Fort Purbrook Residential
Please click on the following links to access information on our residential trip:
We all had an amazing time this year (October 2022) on our school residential trip to Fort Purbrook.
Please take a look at some of our pictures, showing you some of the fab things we experienced there.
We all had an amazing time!
Just click on the image below to view our pictures
Transition to Year 7
Below is a presentation that aims to help: – Understanding you and your child’s worries towards starting secondary school.- Discuss strategies to manage the feelings of…
Back to School – dealing with anxiety
There is also a video below, for CHILDREN to watch in order to support their worries or concerns
Are you in Year 6 and moving up to a new school? Here is a short video produced by the Dorset Mental Health Support Teams in Schools which may help if you are worried about this move. We hope that it helps.