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Meet the Governors

Local Governing Body Vacancies

At Hill View Primary, we are spreading the word about the benefits of volunteering as a school governor so we can recruit external governors from the local community.

Governors make a valuable contribution to school leadership. It is a rewarding role, working towards a shared goal of providing a high-quality education for children and young people in our community. It also provides an opportunity for personal development, building skills and experience in areas such as project management and working as part of a senior team.

The Governing Board meets each half term to look at the big picture and the school’s long-term goals.

They are responsible for:

  • undertaking induction training and ongoing development
  • developing a vision and strategy for the school
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • holding the school leader to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education, looking at information and evidence on the school’s progress and discussing with school leaders
  • engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community to understand their views
  • visiting the school to see plans working in practice, and listening to the views of staff, pupils and parents
  • making decisions about issues such as pupil exclusions and staff disciplinary matters

To find out more, please visit the National Governance Association website and if you are interesting in joint the governing body, please email the Chair of Governors to arrange a meeting and tour of the school:

School Governors

A Message From The Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governors of Hill View School, I would like to welcome you to the school’s website. We hope that you find the information provided here interesting and informative, and that the pictures and information give you a small snapshot of the busy life within our school and the learning activities our pupils’ experience.

While naturally in the school we are very much focused on all pupils’ academic achievement, it is of paramount importance that children are happy, supported and nurtured in a safe and secure school environment. Central to the ethos of the school is its ASCENT values which are embedded throughout the curriculum to encourage all pupils to ‘Reach for the Stars’: ASPIRING, being SUCCESSFUL, building a strong COMMUNITY, striving for EXCELLENCE, NURTURING each other and building TRUST.

At Hill View School we are fortunate to have a very experienced, talented and dedicated team of leaders, teachers and support staff who work hard to make this possible and the Governors take great pride in being part of this team.

Hannah Hancock
Chair of Governors

The Governors

The board of governors comprises of eleven individuals who are either elected by their peers to serve (in the case of parent and staff governors) or selected by the board of governors due to the skills and experience that they have which will be of value to the governing body (co-opted governor). The current composition of the board of governors is as follows:

Victoria Buckland: Head Teacher
Term of Office: Start Date 01/01/2019

Hannah Hancock: Trust Appointed Governor – Chair of Governors

Term of Office: 10/07/24 – 09/07/28Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Head Teacher link; Inspection preparation; MAT link; SLT recruitment; Pay Panels; Pupil premium and Finance
Year Link: Year 4
Curriculum Link: SEND; Dis/LAC/PLAC; Curriculum

Sarah Moore – Elected Parent Governor – Vice Chair of GovernorsTerm of Office: 27/09/2022-26/09/2026Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Deputy Head Teacher link; Admissions & Exclusions
Year Link: Year 5
Curriculum Link: Maths

Cathy Symonds – Co-Opted GovernorTerm of Office: 26/11/24 – 25/11/28Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Safeguarding; online safety; Governor surveys; Policy reviews; HT Performance Management
Year Link: Year 6
Curriculum Link: Science & Technology, DT & Computing

Fiona Dearman – Co-opted GovernorTerm of office: 27/09/2023-26/09/2027Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Support Staff
Year Link: Year R
Curriculum Link: English; RE

Sophie Jenner – Staff GovernorTerm of Office: 11/05/2021 – 10/05/2025Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Teaching staff link
Year Link: Year 1
Curriculum Link: Equality

Lynda Hamlyn – Staff GovernorTerm of Office: 25/09/2022-24/09/2026Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Support staff link; Pupil voice; ECO
Year Link: n/a

Sam Anderson-Parker– Parent GovernorTerm of Office: 15/07/24 – 14/07/28Responsibilities:
Link Roles: Sports PremiumYear Link: Year 2
Curriculum Link: Physical Education; PSHE; SMSC; Anti-bullying, mental health and BV.

Vacant Position –Term of office:Responsibilities:
Link Roles:
Year Link:
Curriculum Link: School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012

Governors' Responsibilities and Actions

The governors have a legal responsibility for the overall leadership of the school; however their involvement in the school extends well beyond these legal duties. The full governing body meet at least twice a term and work together to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Review and approve the schools budget;
  • Oversee the school premises;
  • Discuss staffing plans;
  • Review and agree school policies and procedures;
  • Challenge and support the school leaders to drive pupil achievement

To find out more about Reach South Academy Trust governance, click on the following link:

Governors' Action Plan


Each LGB comprises a maximum of twelve members (which we refer to as Local Governors), including:

  • the Headteacher of the Academy;
  • at least two elected parents or guardians of a pupil at the Academy (Parent Local Governors);
  • up to two employees of the Academy, usually comprising one teacher and one non-teaching staff member, elected by employees of the Academy (Staff Local Governors);
  • at least two members co-opted by the Local Governors; and
  • up to four members appointed by the Trust Board.

Summary of Hill View Governing Practice

The Local Governing Body meets twice per term. Each meeting is preceded by a focused learning walk where governors visit their link years and curriculum teams to discuss elements of the school strategic plan with teachers. This often involves looking for evidence in pupil books and learning walls. Year Leaders and Subject Leaders routinely present reports to the LGB for governor challenge and support.

The school’s strategic plan informs all governor practice; identifying the foci for our learning walks with staff, guiding agenda items and driving governor questioning. One meeting of each school term includes data scrutiny with the English, Maths and SEND leads, and a pupil group (e.g. Ambassadors, Councillors or Sport Leaders) regularly presents updates to the LGB. At every meeting, the Head Teacher Report explicitly reflects upon the school’s progress toward the agreed strategic priorities.

The governors annually seek the views of parents and staff as well as reviewing responses to the standard OFSTED survey questions. The results from these surveys feed into a Governor and SLT review in the final half term of each year. Parent surveys have, for example, highlighted communication to be a school challenge. This led to the introduction of a weekly newsletter with regular input from governors, redesign/relaunch of the school’s website, introduction of Year Leaders and improvements in the use of home-school link books. This review is also used to analyse a range of school data and develop the school’s strategic priorities for the following year.

Meeting Dates and Minutes

Please find here a list of our meeting dates. Minutes from LGB meetings can be requested via the Clerk. If you have any queries around our Governance practice please do not hesitate to contact us via the Clerk or through the school office. A governor update is also provided on the weekly Hill View Newsletter by one of our governors following each LGB meeting.


Committee Membership

Admissions: Sarah Moore

Pay: Fiona Dearman

Panel Hearings / Appeals (three selected by the clerk)

Three selected by the clerk

Headteachers Performance Review Panel: Cathy Symonds

Contact Details

Chair of Governors: Ms Hannah Hancock

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, you can write to her using the school address or email her directly at [email protected].
You can also arrange to speak with her by contacting the school office.

If you would like to contact the Clerk, you can email her directly at [email protected]

Meet the Governors


Hannah Hancock

I joined the governing body in 2019 as a parent governor and my son completed his journey at Hill View in Summer 2024.

I have worked in Further Education as a teacher since 2001, specialising in Mathematics and ICT from Key Stage two up to GCSE level, and working in senior leadership roles as a Director of Foundation Learning and SEND. I currently work as a consultant in FE, supporting schools, colleges, training providers and local authorities with curriculum quality, operational management and strategic direction.

I feel privileged to be involved with the Hill View Primary community and continuing to support the school in developing its values to give pupils the best experience, and in raising academic performance.


Cathy Symonds

I am delighted to become a governor for this School. I have a long standing commitment to the role of education in developing children and students having spent the last 29 years working in education at Bournemouth University.

My two sons were born in Poole and went to school in Bournemouth and Poole hence I am familiar with the local school education system. I was a parent governor at one the Poole Schools from 1999 -2003. As a consequence of my experience as a lecturer and a parent I have seen the positive impact that education can have.

I have been impressed with the approach the School takes to its educational priorities.  I hope to be able to use my knowledge and experience of higher education and of school based education to the post of Governor. Having just retired from the University I have time to commit time to this role.


Sarah Moore

I am a parent representative on the schools governing body and stand to ensure the school is being run effectively for the education and wellbeing of all of our children. I bring to the role 15 years’ experience of working in the education sector, predominantly as a secondary school mathematics teacher. My husband and I moved to Bournemouth in 2019, with our two young children and dog Bentley, to be closer to our family in Christchurch. Our eldest daughter went straight into year 1 at Hill View and was warmly welcomed into the school community. Now both of our girls are at Hill View and thriving.

As well as being a maths teacher, I am also Head of Sixth Form at The Bishop of Winchester Academy and previously, my husband and I, ran a co-ed boarding house for students aged 10-18 at a small private school near Bath. It certainly was an experience to live with 50 teenage girls and boys from all over the world, and all under one roof, but I am much happier now with just my two girls at home to worry about.

I joined the governing body at Hill View in 2022 having previously been a co-opted school governor at a small village school in Wiltshire. Being a governor means being able to support the school’s strategic planning whilst not being afraid to question and challenge leaders when needed. It is a role I feel my professional experience suits well and I look forward to continuing to support the growth and development of the school through my term in office, in order to better serve the community at large.


Fiona Dearman

I recently moved to Bournemouth from the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames to be nearer to our family.

I am a retired Headteacher and my speciality is the Early Years. I have a MA in Early Years Education.

My passion is to ensure that every child reaches their full potential and thrives in an environment that is suited their needs.

I am a volunteer at Hill View in YrR and Yr1.


Lynda Hamlyn

I have worked at Hill View for over 20 years as a teaching Assistant.  Most of that time has been spent in Early Years, although I have supported in all year groups over this time. I have gained a Foundation Degree in Early Years and thoroughly enjoy working with this age group within the school.  I have seen many changes at Hill View including the change to an Academy.  I believe that children deserve the best education we can deliver and strive to achieve excellence in all I do to support the children.

I have recently returned to serving on the Governing Body as I feel I can offer an insight to the support side of the school. I can liaise between the Governing Body and the support staff and keep each up to date with matters that affect them.

I have two children who both attended Hill View and thoroughly enjoyed their time here.  As a parent then I was always impressed by the care that was given to each and every child.  My children have both gone onto  successful careers in IT and the Metropolitan Police!


Sophie Jenner

I have worked at Hill View as a class teacher for the past 5 years. Most of that time has been spent in Early Years, although I did start my teaching career in Year 1 and really enjoy teaching both year groups! I joined the governing body in 2021 as the staff and safeguarding governor and this is my first time serving on the governing body. I will be supporting the work of the designated safeguarding lead and reporting back to the governing board on how effective safeguarding is at the school.


Jo Kennedy

Biography coming soon.


Sam Anderson-Parker

I joined the governing body in 2024 as a parent governor. My daughter is due to complete her journey at Hill View in Summer 2025 and my son will hopefully be joining Hill View in September 2025. 

For the past 10 years, I have worked in children’s social care as a strategic commissioner and more recently as a commissioning manager. My role has been to ensure children receive the best possible care and services by scrutinising all provision commissioned to ensure it meets the children’s needs, this includes their educational needs. 

I have extensive knowledge and experience of the special educational needs sector, not only having been a children’s commissioner, but also as a parent of a child with additional needs. This lends itself to support the school and the children with its SEND provision and education.

Previously, I have been a co-opted governor for a local primary school where I used to live in Berkshire. I led on pastoral care and SEND. I gave up this position when we moved to Bournemouth in 2019. 

I enjoy having the opportunity to support the school, the children and the parents and carers through my role as parent governor.


Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109