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About Us

School Uniform

At Hill View Primary we encourage our children to take a pride in their appearance when wearing school uniform.
Wearing uniform promotes a sense of school identity and helps children learn to conform in a community.
Our uniform is designed to be inexpensive, practical and unique to our school.

Uniform with the school logo is available from the PTFA or a local supplier CJI Clothing:

Please make sure all clothing (including footwear) is clearly labelled.

Winter Uniform
Grey pinafore dress, skirt or trousers
Plain white blouse (no polo shirts)
School tie
Green V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo
Tights/socks – white, grey or green
Black low heeled shoes (no trainers)
Summer Uniform
Green and white striped or checked summer dress
Grey skirt /grey trousers with plain white blouse and
school tie
Black low heeled shoes (no open-toed sandals)

Winter Uniform
Grey trousers or shorts
Grey Socks
Plain white shirt (no polo shirts)
School tie
Green V-neck sweatshirt with school logo
Black shoes (no trainers)
Summer Uniform
Grey trousers or shorts
Plain white shirt (no polo shirts)
School tie
Black shoes
Girls and Boys
PE Kit
Black PE shoes (essential)
Black shorts
Green t-shirt with school logo

Winter PE Kit (Optional)
Dark coloured plain jogging bottoms
Dark coloured plain sweatshirt
Miscellaneous Items
All with school logo
PE bag (compulsory)
Book bag (compulsory)
Woollen hat
Summer cap
Legionnaire cap
Reversible Fleece for outside use only.
We ask the children not to wear jewellery. Small gold colour stud earrings only are permitted and will need to be
removed or carefully covered with a sticking plaster (supplied by yourselves and kept in your child’s PE bag) to
minimize dangers in PE or games.
The children’s hair should be neat in appearance and tidy.
We ask that children’s hair is an appropriate style for school and must not reflect any extreme fashion and should
not be dyed.
Long hair should be tied back. We request that elaborate hair ties are not used.
Nail Varnish
We ask children not to wear nail varnish to school
Uniform Grant
If you are in receipt of Free School Meals you will be eligible for a uniform grant. Please speak to the school office

PTFA School Uniform Order Information


Or you can order your school uniform through:
CJI Clothing
by clicking on this link

To view CJI footwear please click on the link below
CJI School Shoes

CJI Clothing
545 – 547  Wimborne Road
01202 249244
You can visit the shop or purchase our uniform from their website (Click on ‘Products’ then
‘Schools’ and select the Hill View Primary page.) You can then choose a delivery option.

Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109