Clubs & Activities
We are proud to offer a wide range of school clubs and extra curricular activities at Hill View. From Basketball to Gymnastics to Morning Club, there is something to suit every child’s requirements. The majority of our clubs are free or low cost too.
Our clubs run according to demand, season and are subject to staff requirements. The clubs listed below are intended to give an overview of what we offer throughout the year.
The clubs we offer vary according to season and popularity, so please take the following pages as indicative of what is available. Children are encouraged to sign themselves up for clubs in school, and permission slips are sent home for new club launches when necessary.
After school and morning club policy
Morning Club
Morning club starts at 8am weekdays, during term time only. The children are collected from the school reception by a member of the Morning Club staff.
At Morning club there are plenty of activities available for the children and a selection of snacks and drinks.
The cost per morning session is £3.25
For further information and details of how to book please contact Morning Club on:
Tel: 01202 512813 Email: [email protected]
Regards Mrs S Williams
Morning Club Supervisor
After School Club
If you are a working parent and require regular childcare, we are able to offer sessions from the end of day – 3:15pm until 5:30pm – at a cost of £9.00 per session.
Every day we offer the children snack, different activities including, role play, colouring, going to the computer room etc and have different themes depending on what is happening.
If we can be of assistance, in any way, please contact Mrs Bevan, After School Childcare Supervisor on [email protected].
Come and Join in the Fun!
What could be easier for your child then to transfer from class straight into After School care?