Hill View Primary Academy is a member of Reach South Multi Academy Trust. There are a number of academy policies provided by Reach South.
Reach South Academy Trust policies are listed below:
For Complaints and Concerns policies please visit: Reach South Academy Trust – Complaints and Concerns
For GDPR policies please visit: Reach South Academy Trust – General Data Protection Regulations
For Operational, including Health and Safety and Risk Assessment policies please visit: Reach South Academy Trust – Operations Policies
For People policies please visit: Reach South Academy Trust – People Policies
For ICT policies please visit: Reach South Academy Trust – IT Policies
For SEND and Safeguarding policies please visit: Reach South Academy Trust – SEND Policy
School specific policies are listed below, click through each link below:
As a school that is often oversubscribed, it is important that you read, understand and follow our policy as it is written. If you have any queries regarding our admissions policy please get in contact with us.
If you would like to visit the school, please contact the office. We do not host open days, but we do host guided tours in small groups regularly.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the Hill View Primary School community.
Please click on the link below to access our Admissions page.
Please Note: The deadline consultation date is Friday 21 February
Good attendance leads to achievement at school. At Hill View, we want all children to have a positive experience of school life and be able to reach their full potential. One way parents can help their child to do this is by ensuring they attend school every day.
Our attendance policy, a simple guide to promoting good school attendance and a document to read before requesting term time authorised absences are all attached below.
HV application for leave in term time
The Headteacher has the discretion to decide whether absence can be authorised and whether a holiday in term time can be authorised or not. In the event of a parent putting in an application for their child to be removed for a holiday in term time, many factors will be considered including the following:
- The age of the child and the time and duration of the requested leave.
- The child’s current level of attendance.
- The child’s ability.
- Whether leave has been requested during, or close to, examination times or SATs.
Behaviour, Bullying & Exclusions
Hill View Primary Academy is part of Reach South Academy Trust (RSAT).
RSAT has produced an overarching behaviour Policy and guide to Relational Principles of which our approach at Hill View is detailed at Appendix 1 and in the other appendices.
The full behaviour and relational principles policy is below and we are working on a Behaviour page that makes access to the key parts of the policy easier for parents and carers.
Equality & SEND
Hill View Primary School believes in equality for all pupils, staff and members of our community. We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010 as both a provider of education and as an employer.
We believe that all pupils and staff should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential whatever their background, identity and circumstances.
Our school community is large and varied. Our inclusive ethos means that everyone is included and made to feel welcome.
Details of our approach to teaching Protected Characteristics can be found here: Protected Characteristics
Please click here to view our SEND page.
Our equality policy and SEN policy are attached below.
Click the link below to download Reach South Annual Report and Financial Statements
Reach South Financial Statements
Click the link below to be directed to the Reach South Governance page, where you will find information on: Memorandum of association, article of association, names of charity trustees and members and funding agreement
Safeguarding is an essential part of our role as an education provider to young people. We take this extremely importantly and follow a robust policy that guides us in all our actions.
RSAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy January 2025
Flow chart low level concerns
Supervision Policy February 2023-2025
We also distribute the SSCT Parents Online Safety Newsletter. Further information on Safeguarding can be found on our Safeguarding page here.
Online Safety
We also have further information on our Online Safety Page
Other Policies
Some policies do not fit in other categories. Please click the links to read more about each policy.
Complaints Policy Nov 2024-2025
Religious Education Policy 2021-2024