SEND and Inclusion
Our SEND Coordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Ellis. If you would like to get in touch with her, please contact [email protected].
At Hill View Primary, it is our aim to create for everyone a happy, secure and stimulating learning environment. For our children, we will encourage a love of learning, develop their creativity, independence, self-discipline and their respect for themselves, for others and for our world. They will learn to work and play with others, to share, to observe rules made for the common good and to make decisions.
We will provide a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, which will teach academic, social and aesthetic skills and seek to fulfill each individual’s potential. We aim to prepare our children for their role as responsible, confident members of a multi-cultural society in an ever-changing world. We want all children to be successful and aspire to fulfill their dreams. To ensure success, it’s vital to recognise our children’s talents and to support them towards self-recognition and personal development.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children. We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school:
- girls and boys;
- minority ethnic and faith groups;
- children who need support to learn English as an additional language;
- children with special educational needs;
- gifted and talented children;
- any children who are at risk of disaffection or exclusion.
Inclusion and SEND Statement of Intent
At Hill View Primary Academy, it is our intent to demonstrate our commitment to the equal inclusion of all pupils in our school. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all our pupils. All pupils are valued equally, regardless of where their abilities lie. All pupils are entitled to have access to a broad, balanced, and relevant curriculum, which is adapted to meet individual needs in both content and styles of learning. Hill View staff recognise and are committed to fulfilling their responsibility to ensure that every pupil has an equal opportunity to attain good outcomes in their learning, progress and personal development, removing barriers to learning.
It is our underlying belief that every child should feel valued and experience the feeling of success in a wide range of experiences at Hill View both from our bespoke curriculum and beyond. We believe that through providing many ambitious and varied planned learning experiences, we can enable our children to feel positive, resilient and confident learners. We place a high priority on ensuring we foster children’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.
This intent is implemented through the school’s engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips children for today and the future. Our ASCENT values are embedded throughout our school curriculum and beyond, and exemplify our commitment to the development of well-rounded, aspirational life-long learners, who strive to be a part of a successful Community of Excellence rooted in Trust and Nurture.
The implementation of the curriculum for all children is in-line with the whole school intent, implementation and the SEND Code of Practice; it is supported through the SEND graduated approach, Quality First Teaching and the use of key, measurable interventions, when needed.
We create an inclusive learning environment whereby all children, including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are supported to take part in all learning opportunities and activities alongside their peers. We make reasonable adjustments to our curriculum and the school environment to ensure all children can achieve their potential.
Adaptions may also include or be reflected through;
• Cognitive & metacognitive strategies’ e.g. Rosen shines principles and Visible learning
• Reducing cognitive overload through the way we teach our curriculum
• Repetition and over learning through adding things like layered reading opportunities, Talk for writing strategies, flash backs etc- tailoring the curriculum for our pupils
• Differentiated learning materials
• Access to ICT and Technology
• Provide additional in class support
• Provide additional out of class support
• Provide enrichment and enjoyment opportunities to stimulate and motivate learning
• Use flexible groupings – including small group work and intervention
Adaptions for the physical environment may include; accessible toilets, hygiene suite, changing table, high visibility marking on steps, double doors in some areas of the building, fire evacuation chairs, lifts and ramps.
At Hill View Primary Academy we aim to identify needs at the earliest opportunity and we make any adjustments needed through the use of our graduated response approach to ensure that all children with SEND are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement.
All staff have had a range of CPD opportunities and are fully supported by the inclusion team so they are aware of and sensitive to the needs of all pupils, teaching pupils in a way that is more appropriate to their needs.
Please see the adaptation poster for further ways we may prompt ourselves to adapt and personalise learning for a pupil at Hill View.
Hill View Primary Academy has a well-established system for children who have special educational needs or disabilities, but we are always looking for ways to improve integration and accessibility. The information below, and in our SEND policy, which can be found on the policies page, provide more information on our ways of supporting SEND children. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
To view SEND Policies click here.
Useful Links:
SEND local offer in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Bournemouth Parent Carer Forum – Bournemouth Parent Carer Forum provide a central voice for all parents and carers of children/adults with sen/education/complex medical needs that live in Bournemouth
Dorset Xchange – The Xchange was launched in response to requests from families of children and young people who are disabled to make it easier to find the information they need. It is a one stop resource for families and was developed in consultation with local parent carer forums and jointly between Dorset County Council and Bournemouth and Poole unitary authorities.
Coping With Chaos – A parent run organisation that supports families caring for a child/children or young person/s with a disability or special educational need. They provide services for families living in Dorset, Bournemouth and Poole.
Autism Wessex – Advice and guidance for parents, carers and families who have children with Autism.
The Communication Trust – A coalition of over 50 not-for-profit organisations who work together to support everyone who works with children and young people in England to support their speech, language and communication.
Council For Disabled Children – The umbrella body for the disabled children’s sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers.
The Dyslexia SpLD Trust – A trust that works towards children with Dyslexia SpLD to help them succeed in school.
I Can – An organisation set up to help support children in the UK who suffer with communication issues.
MindEd – A free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults.
National Sensory Impairment Partnership – NatSIP, the National Sensory Impairment Partnership is a partnership of organisations working together to improve outcomes for children and young people with sensory impairment.