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Values and Intent


At Hill View, our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and the future. Our ASCENT values are embedded throughout our school curriculum and beyond, and exemplify our commitment to the development of well-rounded, Aspirational life-long learners, who strive to be a part of a Successful Community of Excellence rooted in Trust and Nurture.

It is our underlying belief that every child should feel valued and experience the feeling of success in a wide range of experiences at Hill View both from our bespoke curriculum and beyond. We believe that through providing many ambitious and varied planned learning experiences, we can enable our children to feel positive, resilient and confident learners. We place a high priority on ensuring we foster children’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Our curriculum meets the needs of all children within our school regardless of their starting point and/or academic ability and is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, provide first hand experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and independence and enable them to become creative, critical thinkers. It teaches skills, knowledge and values and recognises that every child is an individual with a unique potential for learning.

At Hill View, we are keen to promote the diversity of life, celebrating difference, encouraging questioning and promoting respect for all. Through our teaching and learning, we give children key knowledge and understanding around discrimination and prejudice including the prevention of bullying and Safeguarding. We are also committed to developing our children so that they respect the rights of others and are proactive in making the world a better place to live.

We work with our families as key partners in developing their children’s knowledge, enabling children to leave Hill View with a strong sense of belonging to their local community, where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become life-long learners.

Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum; it is inclusive and accessible to all children and meets the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Please see links to our SEND Information, SEND Policy and Equality Information and Objectives.



We ASPIRE to challenge ourselves to become who or what we want to be, to set our goals high and aim to exceed them. We aspire to instil creativity and Individual Liberty to use what has been mastered across the curriculum to recognise the opportunities and even invent new ideas and ways of working that will enable us to exceed our talents, hopes and dreams.


We try our best in all that we do and take pride in our achievements and those of others. We understand that we need to persevere and be resilient in order to achieve our individual SUCCESSES, even when there are obstacles to challenge us. We understand that learning can be hard, but we never, ever give up


Our community is rooted in Mutual Respect and Tolerance, where each unique individual has equal worth and, where possible decisions are shaped through processes that build collaboration, offer opportunities for inclusion and equity, and promote the principles of equality and Democracy.


We want to achieve the highest standards possible in how we behave, learn, and present ourselves. We realise that in order to EXCEL we have to make a personal commitment.


We care, support and NURTURE each other as unique individuals; in a safe and secure environment. We value everyone for who they are recognising and work to develop the emotional mental health and empathy of each individual whilst valuing any different beliefs and needs.


We seek to build TRUST through our relationships and community standards, that include respect and loyalty underpinned by just and clear rules and expectations rooted in natural justice that apply equally to all (Rule of Law). We will act responsibly, fairly and with integrity, knowing that we can truly depend on one another.

Our half-termly ASCENT awards and weekly Wizard certificates acknowledge and celebrate individuals across the school who are role models for our values.

We know our children and are proud of and understand the needs of our community. With this in mind, we have designed our curriculum to ensure:

  • there is a solid foundation for all in the basic skills of oracy, reading, writing and mathematics and that this foundation is used creatively and purposefully to challenge and extend all learning
  • there is breadth and depth of coverage, enabling children to develop knowledge, acquire skills and understand concepts across all National Curriculum subjects both through engaging projects and discrete subject-led study.
  • our approach to curriculum delivery is engaging, meaningful and memorable for every single pupil, regardless of their starting point and with mitigation to barriers to learning
  • learning is given context and purpose through hooks, visits, trips and visitors and outcomes that further build the cultural capital of all pupils and prepare them for the next stage of learning with an understanding of their local and wider communities and opportunities.
  • we actively promote inclusion, equality and equity, challenge stereotypes and seek to address barriers and redress disadvantage both economic and in terms of protected characteristics.

Curriculum Map

Click here to view our whole school Whole school curriculum maps Our curriculum has been designed to recognise the needs of the children at Hill View and build on prior learning with a focus on subject specific knowledge, skills and concepts as set out in the National Curriculum. We believe our children should explore their curiosity, develop individually and become critical thinkers. Our bespoke curriculum provides opportunities for personal development, collaborative, child-led learning experiences and overall, it motivates and inspires children to achieve their very best. Community involvement provides essential possibilities for our children as we use local knowledge, skills and resources to promote opportunities for learning and challenge beyond the classroom developing

Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109