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ART & DT adaptation guidance

Art and design at Hill View is central to our Integrated Curriculum delivery. We aim to provide a rich and varied range of arts experiences for our children as we believe this is vital to children’s emotional well being. Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It engages, inspires and challenges the learner and through a wide range of stimulating experiences, new ideas and personal responses will be made. Art and design is embedded through our school learning values, the Integrated Curriculum and clubs.

Principles and purpose – What is the intent of your curriculum

Art and Design Intent:
At Hill View, our aim in Art and Design is that children should aspire to learn and master techniques thereby enabling them to create their own art work. These techniques will include drawing painting and sculpture with a range of materials. Children will also learn about, respond to and evaluate the work of famous artists. They will make comparisons between the work of different artists and their own work. Utilising English and speaking and listening skills, children will use art to express their ideas.

It is our underlying belief that every child should feel valued and experience the feeling of success in a wide range of experiences in art both from our bespoke curriculum and extra-curricular offers. We believe that through providing many rich experiences from the community such as live performances, visiting galleries and working alongside artists and craftspeople, we can nurture our children into being creative, expressive and confident artists. We aim to teach our children to trust the process of learning in art and feel confident to explore with different techniques and media. We know that the children value art highly, and it contributes towards children’s physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Our art curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, and meets the needs of all children within our school regardless of their starting point and/or academic ability. It is designed to recognise children’s prior learning, provide first hand experiences, and celebrate excellence and unique talents within the arts subjects. Our art curriculum teaches skills and knowledge whilst exposing the children to a wide and diverse range of artists and craftspeople. It recognises that every child is an individual with a unique potential for learning.

To enable all children access to our art curriculum we have:

  • designed a clear progression of skills for all year groups linking to a range of artists and movements
  • provided a variety of whole school events and celebrations such as our Whole School Arts Week
  • set clear expectations on subject specific terminology and art displays
  • formed an Arts Council to allow children from across the school to voice their opinions on art and help plan activities and events
  • use our links with the Cultural Hub to invite engaging artists to visit the children and inspire our art curriculum.

ART Whole School Overview
Art and Design Vocabulary & Key Knowledge 

Entitlement and enrichment
Within our School we endeavour to meet each and every child’s individual needs through a holistic approach, understanding that development takes place beyond the curriculum that occurs within the classroom. Through our links with the Cultural Hub, we have been able to invite local artists and crafts people into school to support us with our learning across the whole school. We plan to create more opportunities for visits to museums and places of cultural interest. During the Summer Term, our Arts Festival Week creates a real buzz across the school and provides every Hill View pupil with the chance to participate in the Arts. This has previously been a success and this year we hope to make it even more of a whole school celebration, where we share artwork and performances. Our new Arts Council will be involved in the planning process, and allows the pupils to take real ownership of their learning in Art and Design. The Hill View Learning values are woven into and developed in Art and Design, in particular the values of creativity and spirituality. Our children are always encouraged to use their imaginations to inspire their artwork and to reflect on how it makes us feel.

Breadth and balance
We believe that children should learn and master techniques thereby enabling them to create their own art work. These techniques will include drawing painting and sculpture with a range of materials. Children will also learn about, respond to and evaluate the work of famous artists. They will make comparisons between the work of different artists and their own work. Utilising English and speaking and listening skills, children will use art to express their ideas.

Art and design at Hill View is assessed through teacher judgement at the end of each project where Art is a lead subject. It is also assessed and monitored through our online tracking system O’Track.

Teachers prepare for upcoming projects by ordering necessary resources in advance of the projects. There is also a communal art cupboard which provides teachers with supplies and tools.

Our next steps
Whilst it is clear through pupil voice that Art is enjoyed around the school, we still have plans for further developments. Providing ALL pupils with rich and engaging opportunities within Art and Design is paramount at Hill View. We want to ensure that there is a clear progression of knowledge and skills being taught to our pupils and that children are consistently improving year upon year. We aim to achieve this through staff meetings and workshops that support teachers in delivering engaging art lessons.





Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109