English is the backbone of all learning and the single most important set of skills that children will ever acquire. It provides them with a powerful means to communicate and express their ideas and thoughts to others, everyday, and across the world. English provides the means of achieving dreams and aspirations, to become whatever they want to be. Enjoyment, experiences and pleasure are gained through a growing understanding of English in all its forms. It has the power to excite the imagination and allows us to become lost in other worlds and times beyond our experience. A secure command of English opens doorways, new paths to learning, entertainment and life.
Reading allows us to be transported from our own world to another. Between the pages of a book, we can become immersed in the lives of fictional characters and learn about a culture entirely different from our own. We can also learn new words and phrases, experience a range of emotions, and acquire skills and knowledge.
Because of the learning potential, the effects of reading on child development are vast and multiple studies have highlighted its benefits. As such, teachers and parents are in a great position to ensure reading is a key part of children’s daily routine.
Reading at Hill View is integrated through our curriculum where children are immersed in a wide range of texts and use transferable skills in other areas of their learning. At Hill View we encourage children to read for pleasure, because we know that this has many benefits on a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health.
‘To raise the profile of reading across the school with children speaking confidently about it.’
- For children to have secure phonic knowledge and apply phonic strategies to improve their decoding and fluency.
- All children to be given opportunities to read daily, beyond phonics lessons.
- Children to develop fluency, stamina and vocabulary.
- All pupils to be exposed to a wide range of high quality texts including non-fiction and classic texts.
- ALL pupils to express positive attitudes to reading.
- Develop community links, and encourage parents to support reading engagement at home.
Reading overview for Hill View 2022-2023
Reading at Hill View EYFS and lower KS1
Reading at Hill View KS1 KS2
Please click on the following links to access your child’s recommended reading list:
Please Click on the images below to find out more about Read Write Inc and Phonics Screening
Our children experience reading in many different ways as they move around the school. Such as;
- Reading Assemblies
- Library Visits/New Library.
- Author Visits
- Book Fair
- World Book Day
- Book Swaps
- Whole school book projects
- Dorset Reading partners
- Recommended Reads.
- Librarians/ Reading Ambassadors.
For more information please click on this link to access our Whole school reading progression overview
Reading Roles takes familiar job titles and assigns them to reading strategies and skills thus giving children an easy-to-refer-to system for being more deliberate with their thinking during reading, with the ultimate goal of being able to comprehend texts. Alongside the job title (or role) there is a symbol which can be used as a further way to prompt certain kinds of thinking – some children may find these easier to remember.
We use the following methods to help us assess and track the progress of our pupils:
- Baseline Assessments.
- Nuffield Early Language Assessments
- 1:1 reading with an adult.
- RWI assessments
- Phonics Screening
Provision and resources
- RWI books – In school
- RWI books – Book bag books
- Library Books
- Year Group Books – Recommended Reads.
- Reading Records
- Book corners
- Recommended Reads lists
Priorities to develop (Implementation- next steps)
- Consistent use of reading records across school.
- Can pupils talk about reading across the school?
- Ensure Reading Focus in all reading assemblies
- Utilising new library – Looking into other ways of involving parents/Grandparents.
Further opportunities for reading/writing workshops with authors and illustrators
Boom Reader
We are introducing new digital reading records across the school to support our quest to make reading fun and enjoyable.
There is lots of information from the website and from the app that can be downloaded to support parents with children reading at home or indeed children reading to themselves.
Parents will be given slips with their child’s log in details.
Please find the parent guide below and there is much more support for parents from the website:
Writing- the simple view
Rights of a Writer
Principles and purpose – What is the intent of your curriculum
At Hill View, we believe all children are writers and that writing is an important tool to support thinking and expression. We encourage a love of writing through offering an engaging and purposeful way of teaching writing as well as using strategies such as Talk 4 Writing to enable our children to feel empowered as writers.
Our aim is to provide opportunities for all children, from their individual starting points, to deepen their learning and to be able to apply the skills they have learnt across a range of contexts. Our ASCENT values allow for successful written outcomes that will be achieved through all staff delivering a clear, creative and challenging curriculum where the commitment to the writing process is at the centre.
Through actively involving all learners in the writing process, all children will aspire to be successful in writing regardless of background, gender, race, class or individual need. Writing skills are taught through all areas of the curriculum, children will receive a variety of opportunities to show their excellence, creativity and understanding of the writing process within a community rooted in trust and nature.
We have extensively revised and updated our guidance to the teaching of writing and are busy reinvigorating our approach to writing across the school.
This is detailed below.
We have also updated our guidance for Handwriting.
Entitlement and enrichment – What is the pupil entitlement you wish to outline for your subject?
Our approach to teaching writing is to make sure that the writing curriculum is relevant, supports thinking and expression and enables pupils to develop and refine their skills including aspects that are of interest to them. At Hill View we strive to promote a love of writing through a number of ways which may include focused learning from high quality rich texts, opportunities for free writing, and frequent chances to take part in competitions and to meet and share the expertise of known authors. Pupils learn to externalise their thinking, record and communicate their ideas and refine what has been written within the conventions of the purpose for which it is written across all aspects of the curriculum. Through analysis of authorial choices in texts and books they will have read and, as pupils master different aspects of writing, particularly transcriptional skills, they are taught to consider the impact and interpretation of what they have written upon their reader and audience so that they can come to try, apply and master these features in their own writing. By the end of their primary schooling they will have developed a repertoire of descriptive flourishes, effects and literary devices that inform choices about vocabulary, language and text structure, to ensure each writer has control of and can bridge between the mind of the writer and reader in a powerful, effective or inspiring way.
Breadth and balance – Curate the content of your curriculum
Following analysis of progress data and extensive monitoring the Writing progression of Knowledge and Skills has been completely rewritten to ensure that it is outcome and assessment focused and that this drives the teaching. That it weaves in the school approach to Talk for Writing, the expectations in the National Curriculum programmes of Study and the expectations in the EYFS framework. The full curriculum map and progression of knowledge and skills can be found below.
Progression of knowledge and skills in writing 23-24
Our curriculum is closely integrated with reading and we use high quality texts to support challenging and creative outcomes in all subject areas.
Lets practice your dancing skills
Review and evaluate – Decide what works well and where there is room for improvement
To continue to ensure high quality teaching opportunities and expectations for pupils across the school.
Assessment and outcomes?
Pupils writing is assessed throughout the year through;
– work produced in books
– knowledge of the child
– pupil conferencing
– published work (see display photo)
– classroom observations / learning walks
-moderation with other schools in our academy and local authority
Resources – Source high-quality resources to deliver your curriculum
Our curriculum is closely integrated with reading and we use high quality texts to support challenging and creative outcomes in all subject areas.
Review and evaluate – Decide what works well and where there is room for improvement
To continue to ensure high quality teaching opportunities and expectations for pupils across the school.
The Grand Opening
On Monday the 21st June 2021, we were visited by the Mayor of Bournemouth who attended the grand opening of our new library. Six children, who were the winners of the library design competition, were lucky enough to attend the opening and support with the cutting of the ribbon! The children showed the Mayor their fantastic designs, which have been printed on to the wall of the library, and explained what inspired their designs. They also expressed their love of reading to the Mayor, sharing their favourite books and current reads. The Mayor was keen to share his own stories of reading at school as a child and believed that our new library would promote a love of reading across the school. The reading team, along with Mr Kelly, have been working hard behind the scenes to design a library wrap. Our aim was to encompass a variety of authors and illustrations (including suggestions from Librarians and Reading Ambassadors) to ensure that the library is an invigorating and engaging place to read. We cannot wait for the children to start using their new library and share their passion for reading across the school.
Oracy: Speaking and Listening