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Year 2

Meet the Staff 

Miss Vahidi (Year Leader)
Class Teacher

Mr White
Class Teacher

Miss Goodship
Class Teacher

Ms Shaw
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Halfer
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Harley
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Witt
Teaching Assistant

Miss Parkinson
Teaching Assistant



Get to know the Year 2 team and learn about what to expect if your child is joining us in September, or at any point throughout the year. If you have any questions or queries, speak to a member of the team who will be happy to help.

Information for Year 2

Year 2 subject specific vocabulary



Recommended Reads

Our aim at Hill View Primary is to promote a love of reading for all our pupils and to encourage them to read different types of books, written by different authors. Please click here to access our Year 2 recommended reading list.



Phonics in Year 2:

At Hill View we follow the Read Write Inc Scheme devised by Ruth Minskin. All children are grouped according to their reading levels with coloured books. Each child will take a coloured books home every week that matches the story taught in school. Children are also taught how to spell during these lessons using sounds and skills.

Reading and Writing

As the children’s reading ability progresses, the children are immersed in Lead texts and are inspired by our hooks which broadly link to their learning in Science and the foundation subjects. Alongside this, we read for pleasure daily by sharing a class reader at the end of each day and explore model texts through a ‘Talk for Writing’ approach. These are tailored to the Year 2 grammar, punctuation and spelling expectations in order to expose children to high quality texts

Children are encouraged, when possible, to utilise the knowledge they gain over a project in their writing by applying it to different contexts such as information leaflets, diaries, stories that they have innovated or invented and are heavily lead to support them in doing this. 

Grammar and spelling is explicitly taught to children daily and, whenever possible, children are given opportunities to apply their learning to a written context. We build the stamina of children with regular opportunities to write, which is supplemented by a weekly ‘Free Write’ where children are offered more freedom and given greater time to write at length.

You can find more information about the text types and curriculum coverage in English here.



In Maths, we plan and deliver a challenging Maths approach, where we encourage children to think and reason mathematically. This will ensure they become confident and fluent mathematicians who use maths as a tool to access many areas throughout their lives.

Maths is taught as a discrete subject, as it is across the school, following the Power Maths programme. Lessons are highly structured and include:

  • Power Up – a chance for children recap previous knowledge relevant to the session’s learning intent, to ensure learning is commit to long term memory through retrieval practise as well as allowing staff to identify children who may need extra support in the lesson.
  • Discover – an opportunity for children to grapple with a task and to draw on previous knowledge and strategies, while also allowing staff to identify any misconceptions and/or children who may need to be challenged or supported.
  • Practice – time for children to complete relevant tasks independently, with structured questions which provide opportunities for varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving for all.
  • Reflect – embedded challenge for children who are showing clear understanding of a concept, and need tome to explore this through a mastery approach.
Year 2 Maths

Calculation Policy
Maths Sequence of Learning Progressions

This is Maths information specific for Year 2.  The Calculation Policy demonstrates how calculations are taught; the Maths Sequence of Learning shows the progression of strands across the year, what is taught when and for how long and specific learning that children will be experiencing. For further information regarding whole school Calculation Policies, Strand Progression and Sequence of Learning Progressions, please see the Maths Subject Area on our website here.


Key Trips and Outcomes

In Year 2 we love to give children the opportunities to experience their learning through real life.  Whenever possible we use the environment of the school and at times use the wider community to build on learning.  This can be seen in our visits across the year.

These are;


  • Parents are invited to join us for a sketching lesson and to see the outcome of our project ‘The Day the Crayon’s Quit’.


  • We have a trip to the Sea City museum in Southampton to explore more about Titanic. During this visit we also take part in some guided tours and some workshops. 
  • At the end of this project, parents are also invited to share in our very own Titanic Museum
  • Later in the Spring Term the children explore our local area, looking for examples of human and physical features to support in our learning about New Zealand in Destination Unknown.
  • This year we were able to invite parents to watch our outcome of Destination Unknown, where the children shared the Haka and information leaflets.


  • Trip to Marwell Zoo, to learn all about habitats and adaptions that animals make to their environments.
  • At the end of Year 2, we have a finale celebration. This is where the children create a performance of Hansel and Gretel that will be performed, on stage, to the school and parents.


Helpful links to support English

Oxford Owl



Helpful links to support Maths

Times tables Rockstars



White Rose


Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109