Lynda Hamlyn
I have worked at Hill View for over 20 years as a teaching Assistant. Most of that time has been spent in Early Years, although I have supported in all year groups over this time. I have gained a Foundation Degree in Early Years and thoroughly enjoy working with this age group within the school. I have seen many changes at Hill View including the change to an Academy. I believe that children deserve the best education we can deliver and strive to achieve excellence in all I do to support the children.
I have recently returned to serving on the Governing Body as I feel I can offer an insight to the support side of the school. I can liaise between the Governing Body and the support staff and keep each up to date with matters that affect them.
I have two children who both attended Hill View and thoroughly enjoyed their time here. As a parent then I was always impressed by the care that was given to each and every child. My children have both gone onto successful careers in IT and the Metropolitan Police!
Lynda Hamlyn