Jo Kennedy
My name is Giovanna Kennedy better known as Jo. I have been married 28 years with 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Three of my grandchildren went to Hill View School.
I have been a Parent, Community and Special Education Needs governor previously.
My work experience is that I have been a tutor for the Trade Union Congress teaching Employment Law to stewards, at Bournemouth & Poole College.
I worked for the NHS as a Healthcare Assistant in a Regional Secure Unit and Community Support Worker for Wokingham Community Mental Health Team, looking after children and adults with mental health issues and learning disabilities.
I own a hairdressing business at Hill View Parade for 18 years now and have been supporting the community all this time. Organising street parties on several occasions.
I hope to make a difference and support the governing body with my experiences and different perspectives.
Jo Kennedy