Science at Hill View is driven by awe and wonder. We provide a comprehensive, exciting, hands on science curriculum where all children are encouraged to explore their own lines of enquiry and set up their own investigations. All children have opportunities to explore science first hand via practical experiments, off site trips and visitors to our school. Science is taught discreetly and through project-based units allowing children to have a relevant and exciting context to explore different areas in meaningful ways.
We want children to have open and active minds. Science lessons enable them to ask their own questions about areas they want to learn and to find their own ways of answering. As children progress through the school, they will be able to justify their discoveries with greater effectiveness. Our children’s natural curiosity will be encouraged to develop and grow.
Principles and Intent
Science at Hill View is embedded throughout all aspects of school life. Children have access to a wide, rich set of experiences through exciting Science led projects and extra-curricular opportunities. Children start in Reception by exploring science through play and progresses through each year building on prior learning by observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing; and researching using secondary sources.
We believe real world experiences are vital to aid children’s development and scientific understanding supporting our drive to ensure all children make great progress from their individual starting points through all aspects of science. Children continually make links between science and the world around them including how science can help them in their future.
Entitlement and Enrichment–
Here at Hill View, children receive exciting opportunities to experience science first hand through trips, visitors, practical lessons and home learning.
Some examples include;
- Reception go to a farm to explore crop growth, animals and habitats.
- Y1 go on woodland walks throughout Autumn exploring seasonal changes over time and finding evidence of local woodland animals.
- Y2 visit Marwell Zoo where they can learn about animals from around the world first hand.
- Y3 investigate the invisible force of magnets and use this knowledge to build their own games.
- Y4 go on a trip to Newbury living rainforest where they use their scientific knowledge and skills to classify plants.
- Y5 go on a trip to Winchester Science Centre where they explore the 3 states of matter, changes and forces.
- Y6 explore a real heart to aid their understanding of their circulatory system.
- Every year, Hill View receives very special small visitors, baby chicks! Children of all ages experience their changes over time and have an opportunity to hold them and look after them.
- All children celebrate British Science Week through off timetable investigations that follow a specific theme.
- We love Science so much, we even named some classes after famous Scientist. Such as Stephen Hawking.
Breadth and Balance- progression of skills
Science Whole School Overview
Science Vocabulary & Key Knowledge
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
In EYFS, science is included within the Understanding the World strand. All of our foundation children will learn about science through exploration and play. Practical exploration will help our child to develop important fundamental skills that will underpin all of their future science learning at Hill View, such as observation, prediction and critical thinking.
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)
The content of science teaching and learning is set out in the 2014 National Curriculum for primary schools in England. Within this, certain topics and areas are repeated across year groups, meaning that children may revisit a particular topic in each year of primary school but with increasing difficulty and with a different focus each time.
Here at Hill View Primary we cover all the topics thoroughly, ensuring that your child experiences the full range of enquiry based learning and skills.
Teaching Narrative
As scientists, our children learn to be curious about the world around them. They are taught and encouraged to pose questions and think about how they can investigate it to find an answer. The children will enjoy a range of theoretical and practical learning across all the areas of science they cover. Teacher demonstrations and using real life investigations, strengthen and enhance the children’s experience and understanding.
Along with English and maths, science remains one of the main core subjects. It can be one of the most exciting and practical subjects and, as a result, is a real joy to teach. Children love the chance to learn through being hands-on and finding things out for themselves — the perfect way to understand the world around them.
Assessment and Outcomes –
Our children’s scientific knowledge and skills is continuously assessed through questioning, lines of enquiry, observations and written examples. Pupils are frequently asked questions about their learning and understanding of the topic they are studying. They are also asked their opinion on what helps them learn science and what connections they have made throughout the science projects.
At Hill View we ensure that our children can articulate what science is and why it is important and more specifically what they have been learning during a specific project.
Samples of work are observed: displays and home learning projects are all part of the bigger picture, helping determine where a child’s understanding is.