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Year 4

Meet the Staff

Miss Steele
(Year Leader) Class Teacher 

Mr Ward
Class Teacher

Mrs Ponchaud
Class Teacher

Miss Moorton
Teaching assistant

Mrs Kirby
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Des Fountain
Teaching Assistant


In year 4 we fully understand how different these last few years of schooling have been. However, we will not allow anything to deter us form our focus of working with pupils to ensure their learning both recovers and accelerates.

We are all aware that challenges lie ahead as learning comes back to “normal” but by having an open approach to working with the school community, we know our pupils will be ready for their futures.

If at any point you wish to have a discussion about your child’s learning, please do not hesitate to contact the office your will arrange an appointment at the earliest convenience.

Our thanks for your continued support,

The year 4 Team

Information for year 4

Year 4 subject specific vocabulary

Year 4






Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD