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Year 1

Meet the Staff

Miss Homer (Year Leader)
Class Teacher


Mrs Jones
Class Teacher


Mrs Smith
Class Teacher


Mrs Bothamley
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kennedy-Magee
Teaching Assistant

Mrs Vaughan
Teaching Assistant


Welcome to Year 1 at Hill View Primary School. In Year 1 we provide children with a rich, exciting curriculum that inspires and engages all children. We aim to teach all national curriculum objectives through our exciting and innovative projects.

We continue to teach the children our core values to support them to become respectful citizens.

We look forward to working with you and your child this year.

Miss Homer and The Year 1 Team

Information for Year 1 2024

Y1 subject specific vocabulary



Recommended Reads

Our aim at Hill View Primary is to promote a love of reading for all our pupils and to encourage them to read different types of books, written by different authors. Please click Year 1 reading list to access our recommended reading list.



In Year 1, we follow the National Curriculum objectives for both Reading and Writing. All children engage with formal Reading and Writing every day. Such skills are similarly encouraged during child-initiated learning times affording children the opportunity to read for pleasure and experience a love for writing.


Phonics in Year 1:

At Hill View we follow the Read Write Inc Scheme devised by Ruth Minskin. All children are grouped according to their reading levels with coloured books. Each child will take a coloured books home every week that matches the story taught in school. Children are also taught how to spell during these lessons using sounds and skills.

Writing in Year 1:

We follow the Writing scheme: Talk 4 Writing devised by Pie Corbet. For each unit of Writing, the children follow clear, simple steps to enable them to write a variety of genres. The children are taught specific grammar skills within each unit of writing. They have the opportunity to apply these skills in different context before publishing their pieces of writing and new grammar, linked to the genre.


You can find more information about the text types and curriculum coverage in English here.



In Maths, we plan and deliver a challenging Maths approach, where we encourage children to think and reason mathematically. This will ensure they become confident and fluent mathematicians who use maths as a tool to access many areas throughout their lives.

Year 1 Maths

Calculation Policy
Maths Sequence of Learning Progression

This is Maths information specific for Key Stage 1.  The Calculation Policy demonstrates how calculations are taught; the Maths Sequence of Learning shows the progression of strands across the year, what is taught when and for how long and specific learning that children will be experiencing. For further information regarding whole school Calculation Policies, Strand Progression and Sequence of Learning Progressions, please see the Maths Subject Area on our website here.

We also follow the Power Maths Scheme that links directly to the National Curriculum objectives. Power Maths is a Mastery approach; it aims to develop children’s secure knowledge and understanding of number. The children have the opportunity to use a range of concrete resources to learn new skills and concepts.



Every week, the children are set homework for both Maths and English. These tasks can be completed in their homework each week. The homework will be marked at school, with the children. It is delightful to see their smiling faces when they tick their own hard work!

Please go to Year 1 Parent letter page to access your home work.


Key websites


Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109