PSHE at Hill View Primary Academy
Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC) at Hill View Primary Academy
SMSC is the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of children in our school. It is embedded at Hill View through our school ASCENT and learning values, the Integrated Curriculum, PSHE (SCARF), RE, and daily routines. Alongside SMSC, British Values supports the pupils at Hill View with their individual development, to enable them to become positive role models within the school and the wider community.
PSHE principles and Intent
At Hill View, our intent is to plan and deliver a tailored curriculum which is inclusive and accessible to all, enabling our pupils to become healthy, independent, successful and responsible members of society.
Through the use of the SCARF PSHE scheme and our own adaptations, we aim to embed the RSE statutory requirements across the school. The purpose of this, will be to build the foundations for the children, to support and nurture them in an age appropriate manner, enabling them to understand how they are developing mentally, physically and socially. We want the children to use the skills they learn, to prepare them for life now and for their future.
- SCARF lessons and British Values
- SCARF Long-term plan for PSHE and wellbeing education
- Vocabulary which will be used in PSHE SCARF lessons
- Relationships education parent presentation
- Rel-Ed-Parent-Carer-Workshop–Suggested-Book-List
We aim to give all children the confidence and skills to tackle many of the social, moral and cultural issues which they may face as they grow, ensuring that the children are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be part of a diverse society.
Our ASCENT values are embedded throughout our PSHE curriculum and beyond. The curriculum exemplifies our commitment to the development of well-rounded, aspirational life-long learners, with the secure knowledge and understanding of all aspects of their personal and social health.
Entitlement and Enrichment– social groups, clubs, SCARF, school council, play therapy, ELSA
Within our School we endeavour to meet each and every child’s individual needs through a holistic approach, understanding that development takes place beyond the curriculum that occurs within the classroom. Through our whole-School approach of teaching PSHE lesson through SCARF (SCARF – What we do) and our child-led activity groups such as the School council and support groups, we seek to ensure each child can thrive and develop in a safe and trusting environment. When children may require additional help that requires specific intervention this is available through approaches that can be both 1-1 and within groups, each delivered according to each individual’s needs. For any questions regarding what ELSA is, please click on the following link: What is ELSA?
There are a many personal development opportunities for children at Hill View to participate in throughout the year. These support our PSHE and integrated curriculum. These include and are not limited to; TTRS club, Drama club, LEGO therapy, Art club, ECO club and many more.
At Hill View, the school council is formed of a voted member from each class from Year 1 to Year 6, who are the ambassadors for the voice of their peers throughout the school. They meet regularly to discuss what is going well at school, what can be improved, any important events or fundraising ideas that can be implemented and discuss safeguarding matters. So far this year, the school council has organised a mental health day to raise money for ‘Young Minds’ by wearing yellow, a mufti day for Children in Need.
Breadth and Balance – progression of skills
PSHE Progression of skills Yr-1-6
Teaching Narrative
PSHE is embedded through the integrated curriculum and our school values. The children have explicit teachings of PSHE through our SCARF lessons. These lessons are adapted based on the needs of our pupils and it is visible during our integrated curriculum projects and day to day life at Hill View.
Long term plan for SCARF
The areas of learning covered in our PSHE teaching are:
- Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
- Keeping Myself Safe
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Being my Best
- Growing and Changing
The British values are interwoven in to all areas of teaching at Hill View and more explicitly taught in some areas of SCARF teaching. The children have opportunities to take part in democratic votes for their school councillor, reading or art ambassadors, their class 100 square reward and a daily book vote.
Assessment and Outcomes – Otrack, pupil voice, samples of work, displays
At Hill View the children’s PSHE development is continually assessed through pupil voice, questioning, discussion and practical or written tasks. Pupils are given opportunities to share thoughts and feelings to deepen their thinking about an area of learning.
At Hill View we ensure that children are using their knowledge and understanding gained in PSHE throughout all they do including playtimes, learning time and beyond. Areas of learning will be revisited with a SCARF lesson or circle time where a teacher feels individuals or groups need additional support.
Our school values of Aspire, Community, Excellence, Nurture and Trust are closely linked to the SMSC development of the pupils at Hill View and the children strive to exhibit these. Children displaying all of these values exceptionally are rewarded with an ASCENT award badge which they can wear with pride throughout their whole time at Hill View.
During our whole school anti-bullying week, each child was asked to create a heart petal for our ‘Tree of kindness’. The children also watched a performance by Two Boards and a passion focusing on the themes ‘Sticks and Stones’ which linked to the theme of ‘One Kind Word’. Each class created a class promise focused on the themes of kindness, tolerance and respect to ensure bullying does not take place in any class
- SCARF: Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship
- Five Steps to Mental Wellbeing
- Keeping Children Safe Online Safety
- Think U Know Supporting you to deliver education and raise awareness of online child abuse and exploitation.
- Anti bullying leaflet
Anti Bullying Week 2022
Children in Need took place this year on Friday 18th November 2022.
The theme this year was ‘We’re there for you!’.
The School Council organised for children and adults to wear their own clothes and be SPOTACULAR to mark this special day.
Throughout the day, the children raised money by completing a sponsored laps around the playground.
The children of Hill View Primary Academy raised money for this fantastic event.
This money will help support disadvantaged children and young people in communities right across the UK.