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PE adaptation guidance

Physical Education is a programme of activities that aims to provide your child with learning experiences that enable them to develop the knowledge, motivation and ability to lead a physically active life.

PE improves motor skills and increases muscle strength and bone density. Pupils with a positive early experience of the subject will often seek to engage in exercise out of school hours too. By making physical activity a regular part of the school week, this can be ingrained in a child as they grow up.

 PE Intent Statement

During PE lessons at Hill View Primary Academy, we aim to inspire all pupils to fulfil their potential in the subject, providing them with the chance to become physically confident and understand the positive benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle. We believe in building character through competitive opportunities and helping embed a sense of fairness and respect.

It is important to us that all pupils at Hill View are able to enjoy and engage in regular physical activity. Each child will receive two hours a week of PE lessons in which they can develop their competence across a broad range of activities including invasion games, gymnastics, swimming, dance, striking and fielding games and net and wall games. Further, free to attend, extra-curricular clubs are available to pupils as they progress through the school which allow them to build upon their learning with further time to engage in competitive sport.

Throughout their time at Hill View Primary Academy, will be supported and encouraged to develop their fundamental movement skills, improve their balance, agility and co-ordination, communicate with peers with increasing confidence and learn to understand the impact that a healthy diet and regular exercise has on the body. Children who have a passion for the subject will be able to undertake leadership training and help promote physical activity across the school, helping motivate peers and reinforce positive sporting values in others.

To view our progression of skills maps and long-term planning map by clicking on the links below.

Physical Education Long Term Plan

PE progressions Hill View – EYFS

PE progressions Hill View – Year 1

PE progressions Hill View year 2

PE progressions Hill View year 3

PE progressions Hill View year 4

PE progressions Hill View year 5

PE progressions Hill View year 6

Entitlement and enrichment

Pupils at Hill View benefit from a wide range of clubs and events. This year, free extra multi-sport clubs have begun with pupils from years 1-6 being able to attend at lunch-times or after school. This has been a great way to ensure our children have the opportunity to increase the number of hours a week they devote to physical activity.

Swimming lessons are an important part of our curriculum offer, with year 4 children initially having the chance to attend and catch-up programmes available during years 5 and 6.

The school aims to attend a variety sporting competitions which have included football, tag-rugby and netball during recent years.

During year 6, pupils have the opportunity to apply to be a sporting ambassador, allowing them to attend training aimed at developing young leaders with a passion for the subject. It is always good to see these ambassadors take responsibility for coaching younger year groups and promoting physical activity.

Hill View academy is committed to improving the offer of training opportunities for staff by using specialist teachers to assist with planning and implementing lessons.

The school aims to introduce pupils to new sports, encouraging fitness and high levels of participation.

You will be able to view our Sports Premium here.

Curriculum Map

PE develops children’s physical competence, and their ability to use this to perform in a range of activities.  It promotes physical skilfulness, physical development and knowledge of the body in action.  PE provides opportunities for children to be creative, competitive, and to face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams.  It promotes positive attitudes towards an active and healthy lifestyle.


Children practising gymnastics. Gymnastics is one of the many sports at Hill View.


Children enjoy a wide range of sports activities. We offer lots of sports at Hill View.


Contact Us

Hill View Primary Academy Hill View Road, Ensbury Park, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 5BD

T: 01202 514109