Our Ethos Values
Reach for the Stars!
We follow the ethos values of ASCENT. ASCENT stands for Aspire, Success, Community, Excellence, Nurture and Trust. These values follow us all through our time at Hill View as they are embedded throughout the curriculum to support the children as they ‘Reach For The Stars’. The ethos values determine how we behave and respond to one another, what we expect and guide us on a secure pathway of happiness, achievement and fulfillment.
We ASPIRE to challenge ourselves to become who or what we want to be, to set our goals high and aim to exceed them. We aspire to instil creativity and Individual Liberty to use what has been mastered across the curriculum to recognise the opportunities and even invent new ideas and ways of working that will enable us to exceed our talents, hopes and dreams.
We try our best in all that we do and take pride in our achievements and those of others. We understand that we need to persevere and be resilient in order to achieve our individual SUCCESSES, even when there are obstacles to challenge us. We understand that learning can be hard, but we never, ever give up
Our community is rooted in Mutual Respect and Tolerance, where each unique individual has equal worth and, where possible decisions are shaped through processes that build collaboration, offer opportunities for inclusion and equity, and promote the principles of equality and Democracy.
We want to achieve the highest standards possible in how we behave, learn, and present ourselves. We realise that in order to EXCEL we have to make a personal commitment.
We care, support and NURTURE each other as unique individuals; in a safe and secure environment. We value everyone for who they are recognising and work to develop the emotional mental health and empathy of each individual whilst valuing any different beliefs and needs.
We seek to build TRUST through our relationships and community standards, that include respect and loyalty underpinned by just and clear rules and expectations rooted in natural justice that apply equally to all (Rule of Law). We will act responsibly, fairly and with integrity, knowing that we can truly depend on one another.