
Miss Victoria Buckland

Headteacher – DSL

Ms Smith
Deputy Head Teacher – DDSL

Mr Hall
Deputy Head Teacher – DDSL

Miss Ellis

Hill View’s Worry Box


If you and your children have any worries and concerns during this current time  we would like you to share with us by clicking on our worry box below


Well Being and Literacy Activities

Please Click this link to view page


Hill View School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects of staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection Policy which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website.

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

We actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Buckland (Head) Mr Hall (Deputy Head) Ms Smith (Deputy Head) and Miss Ellis (SENDco)

Safeguarding Policy

Click on the link below to access our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy:

RSAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy September 2024

Reach South Academy Trust Send policies, please visit: 

Reach South Academy Trust – SEND Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education Leaflets for parents

To view the leaflets below just click on the language map you require – these have been provided by BCP Council

Alternatively visit the London Grid for Learning for K.C.S.i.E. 2023 in various languages:










Domestic Abuse Statement

Please be aware that the school receives alerts from a range of outside agencies, including Children’s Services and the Police in order to share and receive information to protect children and alerts regarding domestic abuse incidents. All these alerts comply with GDPR If you are a victim of Domestic Abuse please follow the link below for advice and support:
National Helpline
Victim Support – If you need help after domestic abuse, please call 0300 303 0157, or you can email us.
The ManKind Initiative – Male Victims of Domestic Abuse – Please call 01823 334244 to speak to us confidentially
Men’s Advice Line -The Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse 0808 801 0327





Other Useful Links

Anti-Bullying Alliance
A coalition of organisations working together to eradicate bullying.

Cybersmile Foundation (anti-bullying)
Anti-bullying is top of the agenda for this internet safety organisation.

Alcohol Concern
Raising awareness of the dangers alcohol and alcohol dependency has.

The expert parents guide to childhood anxiety
The Children’s Society expert guide for parents to help children understand, cope and become strengthened by their experiences of anxiety at a young age

The NRM Guide for Parents
The NRM or ‘National Referral Mechanism’ is a framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and Modern Slavery.

County Lines Parent Factsheet
County Lines – Dorset Police
County lines is a form of criminal exploitation, in which criminals groom and manipulate children into drug dealing, often in towns outside their home county.
CCE & County Lines – The Children’s Society

Domestic Abuse – Dorset Police

Safeguarding  for parents Sexualised Behaviour: Helping you understand the sexual development of children under 5

Safeguarding  for parents Sexualised Behaviour: Helping you understand the sexual development of children aged 5 – 11 

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is illegal and a form of abuse. Please follow this link to the NSPCC for advice and support.

A website full of non-judgemental information about crime and criminality

NSPCC Difficult Conversations
NSPCC’s guidance for talking to your children about difficult topics

NSPCC grooming and types of abuse
NSPCC’s guidance if you are worried about a child

Stop It Now
Preventing child sexual abuse

Drug and Alcohol Misuse

Talk to Frank (drugs awareness)
Unbiased and non-judgemental information about lots of types of drugs, including the risks and dangers of taking them

Private Fostering

Hope For Food
Hope for Food is a local charity based in Bournemouth – to help to provide life’s basic essentials on a day to day basis to people in need of help due to the current economic climate.

Home Safety

Think – Road Safety Education 

NSPCC Parent Helpline

Child employment in BCP 

Information for parents: Discrimination

Parents Top Tips Advice for parents – anger, low self-esteem, anxiety, low mood, sleeping, trauma

Home Alone or Out Alone Guide – NSPCC

With the summer holidays fast approaching you may have older children asking if they can go out with their friends without you, or, you may not be sure if it is safe to leave your child on their own while you pop out? Please follow this link to the NSPCC Home Alone or Out Alone Guide. This guide provides practical tips and advice to help parents and carers decide what is best for their child when it comes to staying home alone or going out alone.
It covers some of the risks parents should consider before making a decision, such as how their child feels about the idea and who they should contact in an emergency.
There is also a checklist for parents and children to work through together to help them prepare for different types of scenarios. This includes questions about what to do if there is an accident at home or they are approached by a stranger outside.

Water and Beach Safety – RNLI

Visit these sites if you are planning activities at the beach or near water.


Network Rail- Trespassing on Railway Lines

We have had reports from Network Rail of very high level of trespassing on the tracks by young people in our local area. Network Rail in partnership with Learn Live are working to help raise awareness to students across the UK educating them about the dangers of the train tracks through interactive digital delivery.Below is a link that you can use to share an age-appropriate safety video with your children during this difficult time, to help educate students before going back to school and help to protect them while being off school.

We have made things easier for you to watch the safety videos by just entering the email

Please click on the image below to view the relevant safety video: 

Primary school version: Age 7- 11 

  • Please note these are the recommended age ranges, we would always advise you to view the clips first to gauge suitability for your child.
  • The session is less than 15 minutes and explains why it is important to stay safe near railway tracks