Contact Us

Headteacher and Main Contact: Miss Victoria Buckland
Hill View Primary Academy
Hill View Road
Ensbury Park
BH10 5BD

Telephone: 01202 514109


Quick Contact

2 + 15 =

Contact Details:

For all enquiries please speak to a member of our school office team who will be willing to assist you.

Chair of Governors

Ms Hannah Staddon

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, you can write to her using the school address or email her directly at
You can also arrange to speak with her by contacting the school office.

SENCO Enquires 

Miss Ellis

If you have any concerns and would like to contact our SEND lead you can write to her by using the school address or arrange to speak to her directly through contacting the school office.

Reach Academy Trust Contact details:  

Telephone: 01752 987060

Reach South Academy Trust
Park Avenue

To visit Reach South Website please click on following link:

If you are visiting us:

We only have parking available for staff on the school site. Please note there is parking in the immediate vicinity on the surrounding roads. We ask that you respect our neighbours and be considerate when parking.