On the 2nd and 3rd November, Paul Geraghty, the Award-winning author and illustrator, visited us at Hill View.
Paul hosted a workshop with each year group where he shared his process of writing and told exciting stories about his childhood and the life experiences that were the inspiration behind each of his published books. Each workshop included a range of engaging activities and demonstrations such as speed illustrations, storytelling, discussions about ideas for stories, and a Q&A session. The children were encouraged by Paul’s advice and wisdom, learning that perseverance is important when trying to achieve your dreams. It was brilliant to see how immersed and inspired all of our pupils were by Paul’s sessions and many were queueing up afterwards, desperate to ask more questions! Using what they had learnt during their sessions, children then completed classroom-based activities in their reading and writing lessons centred around Paul’s book, The Hunter. This included writing poetry, narratives, diaries and setting descriptions. Finally, after school on each day of his visit, the parents were welcomed in with their children for a book signing.