Governor Update for Hill View Primary Newsletter – November 2022


This year has started positively for the Governing Body at Hill View. We have welcomed a new parent governor, Sarah Moore, have been undertaking update training on important issues like safeguarding and data protection, have started our ‘learning walks’ where we come into school to meet with children and find out how they are engaging with the curriculum, and continue to meet on a regular basis. We are always delighted by how positive the school environment is at Hill View and what a joy the children are when telling us about their learning experiences.


Alongside being a Governor at Hill View, I am a member of Soroptimist International Bournemouth (SIB), a local branch of a worldwide organisation of women who are committed to education, empowerment, and enablement. Climate change is an area of focus for Soroptimists, and I asked Miss Buckland if our club might engage the pupils in a project about single use plastic (SUP) to encourage positive behaviour change. She supported the idea wholeheartedly and we launched a summer challenge, asking the pupils to come up with creative ideas as to how they could to reduce or replace SUP to help the environment, capturing their thoughts in a diary or poster.


Although the response was small, we are pleased to say that we have six winners from the competition- Leila Cox, Keira Cox, Holly Fisher, Maisie Handyside, Grace King, and Poppy Manns. Each winning entrant received a certificate and a book voucher from SIB at their recent assemblies; I was delighted to be able to attend and award these. We hope to extend this project in the future.


Here are photos of the winning posters; we are sure you will agree that they are eye catching and thought provoking! Well done to all.