The NSPCC Number Day is a nationwide initiative where schools and nurseries across the UK take part in a mega maths fundraising day. The pupils from EYFS to Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic time taking part in this year’s Number Day, and staff enjoyed seeing everyone ‘Dressing up for Digits.’ There were some very creative ideas, and the maths team and school staff extend a huge thank you to parents/carers for their support. You helped us to raise £345 for NSPCC!

The children and teachers celebrated the day with different activities in classrooms, which reinforced our ethos that maths is for everyone. The children had a fantastic day grappling with mathematical resources, problem solving and working collaboratively.

Some of the comments from children during the day were: “I found it really fun!”
“I enjoyed the quiz as it was fun to work with my friends and use teamwork!”
“I liked the code-breaking, as it was problem-solving”.
“I liked the building shapes activity – it was relaxing; I enjoyed figuring out which shapes went with each other.”
“I liked the quiz because the points doubled in size.“