Arts Week

During Art's Week, we celebrated different countries from around the world. The children explored using different art forms - including art, drama, dance, music and poetry. We all had great fun and took part in an international dance workshop led by an outside...

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Stem Experience at Parkfield School

On Tuesday this week, 20 lucky Year 5 pupils had a fantasticopportunity to visit Parkfield School for an exciting aeronauticalexperience. Manson J has written a short report from the trip: “Once we arrived at Parkfield School, we got onto one of theairport buses and...

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Children’s Mental health week

As you may know, the week beginning 6th February 2023 is Children’s mental health week.As school councillors, we have decided to support this day by wearing our SCARF to school on Friday 10th February 2023. During the week, each child will also be completing an...

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Hope for Food

        Please can you bring in your kind donations of food to the school on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st January to the main office.Thank you in advance of generosity.

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FFT Attendance award

FFT collects daily attendance data from over 10,500 schools. The data has helped schools track, monitor and compare their attendance every week through our Attendance Tracker system.As a special ‘thank-you’ to the school we have been presented with an FFT National...

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